December 21

why do You torture us with such long waitings
silence, absence–two curses
do You want us to stagger on,
hungry, empty, confused?

No, for all of 400 years–
winter solstice day, though the darkest is the shortest
and from Your secret entry,
the light could only become more full


Journal. Dec. 21, ’14. Ink + iPhone. All rights reserved.



Close-up, Journal. About 2×1 inches. Dec. 21, ’14. Ink + iPhone. All rights reserved.

Perhaps this part didn’t feel that different
from being held by Your Father
Nourished and safely hidden in the womb of a trusting girl
Your powerful mind asleep in the warm

God to be soothed, nursed, and held close
by human hands to human skin
Truly? Dependent, undeveloped fragility; infant bones and need
Embryonic hands still mastering the reins to spinning galaxies…

Born of the Second and Last Mother of All the Living,
God’s Answering Voice Incarnate

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