
The imagination is a faculty of human nature that can be made holy, too. Surrendered. Sanctified. Given over to the Holy One as a place for Him to dwell.

When that is done, something wondrous happens: an artist does not create alone. Or without purpose. The artist is joined. There is another Hand guiding her own. There is another Mind to consult when the lines refuse to connect or a patch of the canvas continually remains blank. He is an ever-present Muse who weaves purpose into every creation. It’s the most glorious partnership!

Art is never for art’s sake. Beauty is never for beauty’s sake. And creating is never for the sake of the artist. It is all for the sake of the One who is these things–Artist, Beauty, & Light–the One who stands behind the curtain of this world, smiling down at His children, walking among them in His Son.

Be brave & join Him. Talk to Him about what’s in your imagination.

And then ~LISTEN~ my friends.

K Grace Collins

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